Wordle: hints for solution

We encourage you to check out our Wordle Solver or Wordle Solver: Hard Mode. This will help you if you are new to the game or need tips to solve your current game. You might also want to check out Wordle answers list: 2315 words, 5 letters.

What is Wordle

Wordle is a web-based word game created and developed by Welsh software engineer Josh Wardle, and owned and published by The New York Times Company since 2022. Players have six attempts to guess a five-letter word, with feedback given for each guess in the form of colored tiles indicating when letters match or occupy the correct position. Official Wordle has a single daily solution, with all players attempting to guess the same word.

The official Wordle and its clones usually use an English dictionary which contains 2315 words. Check out Wordle answers list: 2315 words, 5 letters.

When The New York Times acquired Wordle in 2022, several words were removed from the list: "wench", "pupal", "agora", "fetus", "lynch", "fibre". This makes solving the official version of the game a little more difficult.

Official Wordle you can find at Wordle - The New York Times.

More information about Wordle you can find at:

How to easily solve any Wordle on normal mode, 5 letters

Most of the guidelines only suggest using a good initial word, e.g. SALET or words with more vowels such as ADIEU or QUERY. While this will help you get the right answer most of the time, it will definitely not work for some words.

Here is a good example. What would you do if you had to choose from the following available list of solutions: bound, found, hound, mound, pound, round, sound, wound. Can you get the correct answer from 8 words in 6 attempts?

While Wordle allows using guessing words, our approach is based on using only a list of valid answers.

The solution is actually quite simple. You need to use 3-4 proper starting words to solve this task. The main trick here is to check as many letters as possible in the first 3-4 rows.

There are many good seed words, but for our example, we will use the following sequence:

  • girth
  • blond
  • swamp

As you can see, all words have unique letters: GIRTHBLONDSWAMP. Thus, we can significantly reduce the list of available solutions.

You can try to develop a better starting list, but the current list is enough to get you started.

Of course, this only applies to the regular version of the game. We do NOT recommend playing on hard mode. Below you can read why hard mode is hard.

If you need more help, check out our Wordle Solver or Wordle Solver: Hard Mode.

Why Wordle's hard mode is hard

The difficulty of Wordle Hard Mode lies in the fact that it is necessary to follow a special word order in order not to hit some letters too early.

Check out these great examples:

  • bound, found, hound, mound, pound, round, sound, wound
  • aunty, daunt, gaunt, haunt, jaunt, taunt, vaunt
  • cower, lower, mower, power, rower, sower, tower
  • bunch, hunch, lunch, munch, punch
  • breed, creed, freed, greed, reedy

If you hit too many valid letters at the beginning, you won't be able to check the rest because you'll have to reuse the letters already found.

To be able to solve any word available in the list, you need to strictly follow the predefined list of answers.

So if you don't have a perfect list of answers and don't want to lose a couple of games, you should avoid hard mode.

If you need more help, check out our Wordle Solver: Hard Mode or Wordle Solver.